Shakhawat Hossain is an exemplary educationists, organizers and social worker of Feni. Shakhawat Hossain was born in Feni district to a noble Muslim family.
Mr. Shakhawat is involved in various social organizations. In her career, He has been involved in family business as well as educationists, organizers and social workers. he is also known locally as a social worker.
He has been working successfully for the education and social development of his district and for the welfare of the people.
He has already set a unique example in social work. From the beginning of the Bangladesh Corona situation, he has done a lot for the helpless poor and for the uprooted people. He has made extensive financial contributions to the provision of food and shelter. People of the society follow him. He is very popular through social media.
প্রধান নির্বাহী - আরেফিন শাকিল, অফিসঃ নদী বাংলা টাওয়ার, শহীদ বুলু স্টেডিয়াম সংলগ্ন, মাইজদী কোর্ট, নোয়াখালী। ফোনঃ 01303-166473